Next, the construction of Rumah Barkat is one of the efforts to help orphans who are in school and in line with the goal of its establishment to defend orphans and orphans who have no place to live and guide them towards academic achievement and good morals. Students funded by RUMAH BARKAT will be given financial assistance of RM 45.00 a month for each person. In addition, students are given donations and facilities learning such as exam fees, textbooks, clothes and other necessities schooling according to their respective needs. In addition, to facilitate channeling aid money to orphans and poor children who are in school, we credit payment to their respective accounts and the Muamalat account book.
Johor Orphans' Welfare Organization (PKAYJ) was established on Sunday 1978 located in the Operations Room of the District Office, Jalan Duke Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim. With the full spirit of awareness and conviction of businessmen, volunteers, organizations, politics, voluntary welfare, government officials and businessmen who present on that day has agreed to establish P.K.A.Y.J to give help, assistance, guidance and spiritual and physical education for orphans This orphan/orphan became a person who defended his life and was pious. On 30 October 1979, the State Government of Johor Darul Takzim has lent a the residence of the officer at address no. 118, Jalan Bukit Cagar, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim to this organization and P.K.A.Y.J named it "RUMAH BARKAT".
Conditions for admission of children to Rumah Barkat
1. Orphan/fatherless
2. Be Muslim
3. Aged 6 years to no more than 17 years old
4. Income does not exceed RM 1000 per month
5. Doctor's confirmation report
The Orphans' Welfare Organization prioritizes the following characteristics to children in the Organization. The first feature is education. Education is emphasized by the Organization. The welfare of orphans is due to the existence of knowledge within the children then a love of knowledge will be born. Then with that will be able to give birth to Worldly Humans and the brilliant Ukhrawi. The second feature is nutrition. Nutrition is also emphasized because healthy eating and halalan toyyiba will make the mind more fit and active The third feature is health. In addition to the above two characteristics, health is also taken into account is because if healthy health will be able to give birth to insane people with healthy bodies body in terms of physical, mental and cheerful. Coinciding with the wise expression "akal yang health lies in a healthy body”.

For those who want
to Donate,
Can Contact Us :
07-2209101/072209307( Office )
011-59592117 ( WhatsApp )
07-2209646 (Fax)
Or Come Directly to the Address :
Pertubuhan ,
Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak–Anak Yatim Johor( RUMAH BARKAT )
No.118, Jalan Bukit Chagar,
80300 Johor Bahru, Johor.